It's not clear how to build models when using the Stata gb2lfit
module. Output includes two tables, parameter estimates and their logs. The significance tests can sometimes differ between the tables, with the paramter estimates being significant and the logs not. On which table ahould decisions about parameter significance be made?
Since it's possible that models with fewer than 4 parameters will fit the data, one also needs some way of comparing models. If only one log or parameter is not significant, is it then safe to assume that it is equal to 0 (log) or 1 (parameter)? If I constrain parameters as shown in the documetation, then how are models compared? Should the log pseudo-likelihood be utilized with the lowest value representing the best model?
did not find it. $\endgroup$log likelihood
instead oflog pseudo-likelihood
, you can use the likelihood ratio test to compare them, but in your case you can only do the Wald test. $\endgroup$