I have one conceptual problem about a standard normal variate (SNV), $X$.
If $X \sim N(0, 1^2)$, then the probability density function (pdf) is given as
$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \exp(-\frac{1}{2} x^2);\quad -\infty<x<\infty$
My Problem :
I understand $f(x)$ as defined above gives the probability that SNV takes the value $X = x$. Thus, $P(X=0)=f(0)$, and $f(0)= 0.398942$ which I understand is very high and it should be high only as mostly all values assumed by $X$ will cluster around $0$.
Similarly, $f(-1) = f(1) = 0.241971$ and $f(-3) = f(3) = 0.004432$
However, as I understand it, since $X$ is a continuous variable, $P(X = 0)$ should be $1 / \infty = 0$.
I am very confused now about my understanding about my concept of pdf. Does the bell shaped curve gives me plot of values assumed by random variable $X$ against the corresponding probability that $(X =x)$. I am not able to understand if my thinking process is right or wrong.