Let's say I have a set of instances with class labels associated. It does not matter how these instances were labelled, but how certain their class membership is. Each instancs belongs to exactly one class. Let's say I can quantify the certainty of each class membership with a nominal attribute that goes from 1 to 3 (very certain to uncertain, respectively).
Is there some sort of classifier that takes into consideration such a certainty measure and if yes, is it available in the WEKA toolkit?
I imagine this situation occurs quite often, for example when instances are classified by human beings which are not always completely sure. In my case, I have to classify images, and sometimes an image could belong to more than one class. If this happens, I give the class a high uncertainty, but still classify it with only one class.
Or are there any other approaches to this problem, without a specialized classifier? E.g. only taking "certain" classifications for training? I fear that in this case, there will be more misclassifications because "border" cases are not covered.