Suppose I have 50 scale parameters, these are all genes measured for one sample from a subject at the clinic, after data reduction by PCA, two meaningful components were extracted. This was followed by cluster analysis and turned out to be 4 meaningful clusters of subjects based on the two components of these 50 genes.
Since investigating 50 genes for one subject would be costy, one would like to reduce that number so that the same clustering pattern can still be obtained but with minimal costs possible ( there should be some measures here to say acceptable clustering or not, I wonder what kind of measures would fit this case though).
Of course, the more genes investigated, the more information gained, but there should be some measure to tell when to stop wasting more money when the same result is satisfactorily achievable will less number of genes.
Is there any R package that already implemented this approach? what would be the statistical approach in this case to select the most important genes that would preserve the clustering pattern? what criteria to be used in order to reach the minimum clustering pattern?