I have the following problem and I know I can solve it using PCA / SVD, I just can get to write it properly.
I have many sensors, each produces M = 3500 samples of a signal.
The signal of each sensor is a little different from the other.
I have N = 256 Sensors.
Now, I want to build a dictionary of those 256 Signals in a way that when I get a new 3500 Samples from a different sensor I will be able to calculate its coefficients and keep the only.
I want this signal to have K = 16 Parameters.
Later, when I want to regenerate an approximation of this new signal, all I need is to multiply those coefficients by Dictionary / Base matrix.
I know how to do it an arbitrary Base $ H $.
For instance, Using Fourier Series I can Have $ H \in {R}^{16x3500} $.
Where each row of $ H $ is a 3500 samples of an Harmonic Function with a given frequency.
This yields a dictionary which is given by the Pseudo Inverse $ {\left({H}^{T}H \right)}^{-1}{H}^{T} $.
Namely, If I get new 3500 samples given by $ {x}_{new} $, The coefficients are given by $ {f}_{new} = {\left({H}^{T}H \right)}^{-1}{H}^{T} x $.
The approximation of $ {x}_{new} $ is given by $ {\hat{x}}_{new} = H {f}_{new} $.
Now, how can I get the optimal base for that using the PCA / SVD?
How do I get the new coefficients?
How do I approximate the "New Data"?
Thank You.