From the original Laplacian Eigenmaps paper, we find the new manifold embedding $Y$ as follows, given the Laplacian and degree matrices $L$ and $D$:
$\arg\min_Ytr(Y^TLY)$ subject to ${Y^TDY=I}$.
Regarding the constraint ${Y^TDY=I}$:
For one-dimensional embedding problem, the constraint prevents collapse onto a point. For the $m$-dimensional embedding problem, the constraint presented above prevents collapse onto a subspace of dimension less than $m-1$ ($m$ if, as in the one-dimensional case, we require orthogonality to the constant vector).
Using a Lagrange function the above objective is formulated as:
The main KKT conditions defining the solutions are:
Condition 1: $\frac{\delta C(Y)}{\delta Y}=0:\quad LY=\lambda DY$
Condition 2: $\frac{\delta C(Y)}{\delta\lambda}=0:\quad Y^TDY=I$
Standard methods show that the solution is provided by the matrix of eigenvectors corresponding to the lowest eigenvalues of the generalized eigenvalue problem $Ly=\lambda Dy$.
However, the imposed constraint ${Y^TDY=I}$ will not necessarily be met by the eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest positive non-zero eigenvalues of $Ly=\lambda Dy$, especially since condition 2 ($Y^TDY=I$) is ignored according to the text.
Why is the second KKT condition ignored in the calculation of the solution?