I've been searching for a few days on a number of sites but I can't seem to find a good answer for this. I'm developing a collision detection program using Unscented Kalman Filter and predicting possible positions of different objects.
These objects have a certain area but my predictions are of course only propagating the objects center of mass and I get the respective variance for their positions.
That is, I get the position of their center of mass is given by the bivariate normal distributions $N_1$~$(\mu_1,\Sigma_1)$ for object 1 and $N_2$~$(\mu_1,\Sigma_2)$ for object 2 in Cartesian coordinates.
Now the objective is finding out the probability of them colliding with each other. If both the objects have area $A$, what is the probability of them colliding ?
I know how to assess this threat when only using the objects center of mass, but that distribution doesn't really contain the objects area. For example in cases when $\Sigma_1$ extremly small, I "know" that the objects center of mass is there and from that the object's edges (using the area, or if it's better, the objects $Width$ and $Length$)
So, long story short, is there a neat way to transform $N_1$ and $N_2$ to incorporate the area ?