I'm working on the following model in R:
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
Family: binomial (logit)
Formula: Tooluse ~ Sex + Age + Frequency + Tool.related.skill +
(1|Trial) + (1 + Frequency|Subjectnumber) +
(1 + Tool.related.skill|Frequency/Task)
Data: g4
- Tooluse (yes, no)
- age (continuous)
- tool.related.skill (ordinal)
- trial (1-4)
- frequency (low, high)
- task (1-12, nested within frequency. 6 tasks belong to the low frequency group, 6 tasks to high frequency)
My research question looks at the effect of the frequency variable on tool use.
Testing the model assumptions, I get this output for the test of overdispersion:
overdisp.test (B1NF.FULL)
## chisq df P dispersion.parameter
## 1 36.68702 141 1 0.2601916
How can I deal with the problem of underdispersion? So far I got 3 suggestions (2 of them from one of the authors of the lme4 package):
using mixture/hurdle models
allowing a negative correlation structure within groups (which can't be done with lme4 and is harder for GLMMs in general)
standard 'quasi-likelihood' approach, i.e. taking the estimated level of underdispersion and shrinking all the confidence intervals accordingly as a first approach. However, I got warned that the thing to be careful about there is that it has yet to be figured out how quasi-likelihood estimates of 'residual' variance interact with the estimates of the random effects variances
I would greatly appreciate any opinions and especially any help on how to implement any of these strategies in R. I feel kind of lost here.