I'm reading through Fan's SCAD paper and I feel like I'm not getting a simple step. On page 1354 where he is talking about quadratic approximations to a penalty function he has
$$\left[\rho_\lambda(|\beta_j|)\right]' = \rho'_\lambda(|\beta_j|)\text{sgn}(\beta_j) \approx \left\{\rho'_\lambda(|\beta_{j0}|)/\beta_{j0}\right\}\beta_j$$
which I am comfortable with, but then he says $$\rho_\lambda(|\beta_j|) \approx \rho_\lambda(|\beta_{j0}|) + \dfrac{1}{2}\left\{\rho'_\lambda(|\beta_{j0}|)/\beta_{j0}\right\}(\beta_j^2-\beta_{j0}^2)$$ for $\beta_j \approx \beta_{j0}$. This looks pretty close to a 1st order taylor expansion about $\beta_{j0}$, but I'm not quite sure how the usual quadratic term (e.g. $(\beta_j - \beta_{j0})^2$) becomes the term above.