I'm in the process of learning R, in the hope of replacing everything I do in SPSS/Sigmplot with R. It's going well so far :) I've got to the point of running a repeated-measures ANOVA, but have come unstuck when trying to plot the results
I've worked out how to plot a set of means using ggplot2, but now I'm unsure of how to plot the standard error as error bars. I've seen a number of guides with different implementations, and none of them seem to be appropriate (or even agree with each other). Many people use standard deviations, which is not what I am after. Others have different methods of computing the standard error, so I'm unsure of the best way to proceed.
What I have so far is this:
qplot(CATEGORIES, means, shape=factor(ANOTHER_CATEGORY), facets=MORE_CATEGORIES ~ ., data=alldata)
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction in terms of how to get the standard errors from a repeated-measures ANOVA in R, and then how to translate this into error bars in ggplot?