A typical image processing statistic is the use of Haralick texture features, which are 14.
I am wondering about the 14th of these features: Given an adjacency map $P$ (which we can simply view an the empirical distribution of two integers $i,j < 256$), it is defined as: the square root of the second eigenvalue of $Q$, where $Q$ is:
$Q_{ij} = \sum_k \frac{ P(i,k) P(j,k)}{ [\sum_x P(x,i)] [\sum_y P(k, y)] }$
Even after much googling, I could not find any references for this statistic. What are its properties? What is it representing?
(The value $P(i,j)$ above is the normalised number of times that a pixel of value $i$ is found next to a pixel of value $j$).