$R\sim Bi(n,\theta)$
i. The MLE of $\theta$ is $t_1(R) = R/n$. Find the MSE of the estimator
ii. prove that $t_2(R) = R/(n+1)$. Show that the $t_2$ has a lower MSE for $0<\theta<$ $2n+1\over 3n+1$
iii. Explain which estimator is better
I calculated that the MSE of $t_1$ is $$ \mbox{MSE}(t_1) = Var(R/n) = \frac{1}{n^2}Var(R) = \frac{\theta (1-\theta)}{n} . $$ Then $$ \mbox{MSE}(t_2)=\frac{n\theta (1-\theta)}{(n+1)^2}. $$
Edit: I think it would be smaller for all values of $\theta$ not just that range