Linked Questions

2 votes
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Significant Difference in prediction when using library and coding from scratch in Multiple Linear Regression [duplicate]

I have been trying to implement multiple linear regression from scratch after implementing it using sklearn. The values predicted using sklearn is very accurate whereas the values predicted by the ...
Turing101's user avatar
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Various Methods to Calculate Linear Regression [duplicate]

I have just started learning Machine Learning and one of the very first topics that I have encountered in this venture is Simple Linear Regression. From Andrew Ng's course, I have learned to perform ...
Turing101's user avatar
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What's the point of using gradient descent for linear regression if you can calculate the coefficients directly using the least squares method? [duplicate]

Gradient descent involves significant computational effort, whereas the method of least squares enables direct and accurate calculation. Does gradient descent offer any advantages over least squares ...
Dawid's user avatar
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20 votes
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Why is gradient descent required?

When we can differentiate the cost function and find parameters by solving equations obtained through partial differentiation with respect to every parameter and find out where the cost function is ...
Niranjan Kotha's user avatar
33 votes
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How could stochastic gradient descent save time compared to standard gradient descent?

Standard Gradient Descent would compute gradient for the entire training dataset. ...
Alina's user avatar
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18 votes
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Why not use the "normal equations" to find simple least squares coefficients?

I saw this list here and couldn't believe there were so many ways to solve least squares. The "normal equations" on Wikipedia seemed to be a fairly straight forward way: $$ {\displaystyle {\begin{...
Oliver Angelil's user avatar
22 votes
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How to choose the right optimization algorithm?

I need to find the minimum of a function. Reading the docs at I see that there are several algorithms that do the same thing, i.e. find the ...
siamii's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is the purpose of a neural network activation function?

What is the purpose of a neural network having a non-linear activation function? Is it correct to say that the non-linear activation function's main purpose is to allow the neural network's decision ...
stackoverflowuser2010's user avatar
7 votes
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Linear regression for large dataset

If the dataset is too large to be entirely loaded into memory, how can we do linear regression with the dataset?
STS's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why use MSE instead of SSE as cost function in linear regression?

I am studying linear regression and I solved some problems analytically. For that I used the normal and intuitive sum of squared error function. Looking at this function, it makes all sense why it ...
JaySmi's user avatar
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Why is optimisation solved with gradient descent rather than with an analytical solution? [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand why, when trying to minimise an objective function, gradient descent is often used, rather than setting the gradient of the error to zero, and solving it analytically. In ...
Karnivaurus's user avatar
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4 votes
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Single layer neural network as linear regression

I'm really struggling to see the analogy between linear regression and a single layer perceptron. They are supposedly the same thing. I completely understand the concept of the inputs to the neuron ...
fmtcs's user avatar
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Which ML Algorithms are affected by dummy variable trap?

My understanding is that regression models are affected by the dummy variable trap. What about other machine learning algorithms e.g. linear svm, logistic regression? Also, if an algorithm is not ...
Stamatis Tiniakos's user avatar
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Full-Rank design matrix from overdetermined linear model

I'm trying to create a full-rank design matrix X for a randomized block design model starting from something like the example from page 3/8 of this paper (Wayback Machine) . It's been suggested that I ...
Scottmeup's user avatar
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Difference Between Linear Regression in Machine Learning and Statistical Model

I had the understanding that the major difference between machine learning and statistical model is, the later "assumes" certain type of distribution of data & based on that different model ...
Beta's user avatar
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