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Variance calculation [duplicate]

Can someone explain why: Given a set of n independent observations Z1...Zn, each with variance K. The variance of the mean is K/n?
jxieeducation's user avatar
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How do I add a "confidence rating" to something? [duplicate]

I have a bunch of survey responses from people all over the country. Each survey has one question: "How much do you like X?" (X isn't important here), where answers range from 0 (not at all) to 100 (a ...
KaliMa's user avatar
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Standard error for expected value [duplicate]

I have a computer simulation from which I get a sample of values of some microscopic quantity $X$, i.e. $\{ x_1,\ldots,x_N \}$. I'm interested in estimating the expected value of $X$, i.e. $E[ X]\...
ponadto's user avatar
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32 votes
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Strategies for teaching the sampling distribution

The tl;dr version What successful strategies do you employ to teach the sampling distribution (of a sample mean, for example) at an introductory undergraduate level? The background In September I'll ...
smillig's user avatar
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How can I calculate margin of error in a NPS (Net Promoter Score) result?

I'll let Wikipedia explain how NPS is calculated: The Net Promoter Score is obtained by asking customers a single question on a 0 to 10 rating scale, where 10 is "extremely likely" and 0 is "...
Dan Dunn's user avatar
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What is the null hypothesis of a MANOVA?

Background In order to analyze differences in some continuous variable between different groups (given by a categorical variable), one can perform a one-way ANOVA. If there are several explanatory (...
Remi.b's user avatar
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Why compare sum of squares with ANOVA (and not mean)?

I got the following result of a ANOVA analysis of five independent variables with 5,8,2,2,6 levels and 5 replications for each combination: ...
theomega's user avatar
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Standard error of a population

I measure the weight of 100 people and pick 20 lots of 5 people from these 100. Therefore n = 5, repeated 20 times. The 100 people represent the population and groups of 5 people represent samples ...
luciano's user avatar
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What does the standard error of my IV estimate tell me?

I have computed the IV estimate and the standard error of the IV estimate. Why do I care about its standard error?
user66800's user avatar
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Understanding standard error of the mean

Wikipedia article about standard error It's clear to me that the formula $${SD}_\bar{x}\ = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$$ is equal to the true standard deviation of the sample mean, given that $\sigma$ ...
user5539357's user avatar
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F-test in multiple linear regression

I'm currently reading Introduction to statistical learning. When trying to prove the collective significance of a regression linear model, we use the F-test with the following formula. $$F=\frac{(TSS-...
YsfEss's user avatar
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Are degrees of freedom $n-1$ for both the sample standard deviation of the individual observations and for the standard error of the sample mean?

I collect $n$ ($<20$) i.i.d. observations from any distribution. In order to compute the sample variance, I take $$s^2=\sum_i \frac{(\bar{X}-X_i)^2}{n-1}$$ If I want to build a confidence ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar

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