Linked Questions

187 votes
10 answers

Bottom to top explanation of the Mahalanobis distance?

I'm studying pattern recognition and statistics and almost every book I open on the subject I bump into the concept of Mahalanobis distance. The books give sort of intuitive explanations, but still ...
jjepsuomi's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

Measures of similarity or distance between two covariance matrices

Are there any measures of similarity or distance between two symmetric covariance matrices (both having the same dimensions)? I am thinking here of analogues to KL divergence of two probability ...
Ram Ahluwalia's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How to test whether a covariance matrix has changed over two time points?

My task is to test if there's change in covariance matrix of 6 variables. Values of 6 variables are measured twice from same subjects (3 years between measurements). How can I do that? I've been ...
Janne's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to compare two or more correlation matrices?

I have $P$ correlation matrices $(n \times n)$ computed with $P$ sets of $(m \times n)$ data (observed) using the MATLAB function corrcoef. How do I compare and ...
armundle's user avatar
  • 243
11 votes
3 answers

How to extract information from a scatterplot matrix when you have large N, discrete data, & many variables?

I'm playing around with the breast cancer dataset and created a scatterplot of all attributes to get an idea for which ones have the most effect on predicting the class ...
birdy's user avatar
  • 481
8 votes
2 answers

Plotting Correlation Matrix over time

From your experience, do you have any suggestions for representing time-wise changing correlation matrices? I looked at
watchtower's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Statistical comparison of (covariance) matrices

I am trying to test whether the covariance matrix for the maximum likelihood estimates for a gaussian general linear model approaches the inverse Fisher information matrix (times 1/n , n being the ...
Meep's user avatar
  • 173
3 votes
1 answer

Visualising scatterplot with too many points and two or more groups

I am trying to plot data with a large number of points. The goal is to see the basic distribution - location, dispersion, shape - of the observations. With a simple scatterplot, even with low ...
TY Lim's user avatar
  • 171
1 vote
1 answer

R - How to compare two correlation matrices

I have two correlation matrices coming from the same variables (divided into two groups due to the presence of a particular event). I would compare these two matrices to show the differences in ...
Fede R's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
1 answer

Distance of a covariance matrix from a perfect 1:1 relationship

I have a number of estimated variance-covariance matrices, and I would like to know how different these are from a perfect 1:1 relationship. To be specific: They are (genetic) variance-covariances ...
Axeman's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Evaluate relative quality of covariance matrix relative to a set

My ultimate goal is a way to evaluate a group of "m" covariance matrices (all size n*n) so I can pick an arbitrary one and calculate "this one is tighter than the average covariance ...
Kent Altobelli's user avatar