Linked Questions

2 votes
0 answers

A roadmap to learn statistics if one has background in mathematics [duplicate]

I am graduated from mathematics but my degree did not contain any statistics courses. What kind of road map would one suggest to learn statistics if my next goal would be to learn statistics so well ...
beginnerstatistics's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Textbook or Video Course in probability [duplicate]

I am an engineering student and I studied probability textbook by Sheldon Ross and Engineering Statistic by Montgomery. However, I need to know more about the mathematics of probability and statistics....
1 vote
0 answers

Where to start relearning stats? [duplicate]

I am a new data scientist , BS mathematics, MS quantitative analysis I want to have a really sound understanding of probability and statistics. I am currently reading Introduction to mathematical ...
Flufylobster's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Best book for theory of probability and statistics [duplicate]

I need a proof based book to study theory of probability and statistics. I have read that one of the best is Mood & Graybill. I just want that it is proof-based, rigurous, and it talks about ...
63 votes
6 answers

Introduction to statistics for mathematicians

What is a good introduction to statistics for a mathematician who is already well-versed in probability? I have two distinct motivations for asking, which may well lead to different suggestions: I'd ...
33 votes
8 answers

What math subjects would you suggest to prepare for data mining and machine learning?

I'm trying to put together a self-directed math curriculum to prepare for learning data mining and machine learning. This is motivated by starting Andrew Ng's machine learning class on Coursera and ...
35 votes
3 answers

Things to consider about masters programs in statistics

It is admission season for graduate schools. I (and many students like me) am now trying to decide which statistics program to pick. What are some things those of you who work with statistics suggest ...
29 votes
4 answers

Self study vs a taught education?

There is a question with similar intent on programmers.SE. That question has some quite good answers, but the general theme seems to be that without self study, you get no-where. Obviously there are ...
10 votes
6 answers

I’d like to learn about probability theory, measure theory and finally machine learning. Where do I start? [closed]

I’d like to learn about probability theory, measure theory and finally machine learning. My ultimate goal is to use machine learning in a piece of software. I studied calculus and very basic ...
7 votes
5 answers

Skills & coursework needed to be a data analyst

I am graduating with a bachelor's degree in applied math and I will pursue a master's degree in statistics this fall. There are many specialized fields in applied statistics. I realize I may be more ...
6 votes
4 answers

What core topics would all statisticians be required to know?

I would like to know what topics are considered 'core knowledge' for a statistician. Please keep in mind I know very little about statistics. At my university, I hear statistics students discuss ...
-2 votes
2 answers

How to figure out the behind concept of statistical-look problems?

The following is my experience doing some researches linked to statistical concepts. In the most situations I had no idea on how to organize the questions, ...
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12 votes
2 answers

Introduction to applied probability for pure mathematicians?

I have a graduate-level background in pure mathematics (Measure Theory, Functional Analysis, Operator Algebra, etc.) I also have a job that requires some knowledge of probability theory (from basic ...
aaronlevin's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Building background for machine learning for CS student

I am a CS graduate student and I am starting to get really interested in Machine Learning (and Predictive Analytics). I have started working on a text classification project with a professor to learn ...
user721975's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Biostatistics book for mathematician

It would be great if you could recommend me some books on biostatistics for people with a solid background in mathematics. I have an MSc in mathematics and a PhD in bioinformatics/machine learning, ...

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