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How to mitigate large sample number for multimodal posteriors in Approximate Bayesian Computation-Sequential Monte Carlo (ABC-SMC)?

I want to do Bayesian inference for a model function for which the likelihood cannot be explicitly computed, which is why I turned to Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). In particular, I am using ...
lm1909's user avatar
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Bayesian Statistics -Prior and Posterior distributions

Please is it ever possible for the prior distribution to contain more information about parameter(s) than the posterior distribution? If yes, when can that occur? Is it the same concept as the ...
emma's user avatar
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In what situations would one use Approximate Bayesian Computation instead of Bayesian inference?

I'm not sure why one would use ABC/Likelihood-free inference methods instead of standard Bayesian inference methods. Is this fundamentally a conceptual problem of mine? Are there any concrete ...
ShanZhengYang's user avatar