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Experiment design - response variable is a sum over a period, low power

I would like to run a statistically rigorous experiment, similar to that of an E-commerce A/B test. I want to create a checkerboard of time periods where I alternate between treatments A and B. ...
wahsmail's user avatar
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Ensuring that sequence of repeated trials does not bias result

Imagine the following experimental design: You have four conditions, A,B,C and D, regarding an online platform. Conditions A,B,C have a different feature enabled that you want to compare and D has ...
anastluc's user avatar
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Determine the variabilty of the volume given the length, width and height

I am to solve a problem where I am given the mean value, $\mu_i$ and variance, $\sigma^2_i$ where $i\in{L,W,H}$ which represents the Length, Widht and Height related variables respectively. The ...
Cenderze's user avatar
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Variance of effects in $2^kr$ factorial design

I'm working through The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, a statistics book focused on analyzing computer performance, and I don't follow the logic for computing the variation of effects ...
Joe's user avatar
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Comparing variability between conditions

Lets say I measure peoples reaction time across 2 manipulations (condition 1 and condition 2) within subjects (i.e. the same participant completes both conditions). My prediction is the RT measure in ...
Simon's user avatar
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Same mean, different variance - test?

I have conducted an experiment where I am interested in how well different models for directional hearing works. For each model a sound is presented to a test subject, and the test subject expresses ...
Kristian's user avatar
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Repeated measures anova in R

I have a dataset containing percentage scores for 15 participants. There are two observations for every participant, one with an intervention and one with a placebo in a double-blind design. Each ...
salamanderjoe's user avatar