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Analysing SPSS two-way ANOVA output: Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

I used SPSS to run a two-way within subjects ANOVA (IV1 and IV2). The IV1 * IV2 interaction was not significant but main effects of both IV1 and IV2 were. I would like to know if the trends followed a ...
hrhy's user avatar
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Which SPSS method should I use to conduct my analysis?

I am new statistics and I need to describe a study and then do some analyses using SPSS. I have two groups and I want to ask a dichotomous categorical question, then provide further information and ...
StatsNewby's user avatar
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Setting custom contrasts in R [closed]

I have a data as follows. ...
Crops's user avatar
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Is a planned contrast significant if p is lower than .05 with no correction for multiple comparisons but higher than .05 with the correction?

I conducted a 2 x 4 within-subjects design experiment. I presented participants with unpleasant and neutral pictures and asked them to cope with their emotions in four different ways. Therefore, the ...
Karolina's user avatar
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mixed model ANOVA (contrasts and normality)

Can I run a mixed model ANOVA with a within-subject factor of time (baseline vs. after the training) and a between-subject factor of condition (2 experimental groups and 1 control)? In that case, are ...
Sofia's user avatar
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Polynomial contrast in mixed anova with type III SS

I'm trying to replicate SPSS output in R for a mixed ANOVA with a polynomial contrast to test a linear trend. I fitted a mixed ANOVA in R (see code below), but I can't figure out how to get the ...
Michele Nuijten's user avatar