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I'm struggling to find which is the right statistical test to use?

I have two variables: cell death and diet, but on the diet variable I have several groups that I want to compare. I was thinking of doing multiple Mann-Whitney tests, but that would be very time ...
Carolina's user avatar
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Which stats test to use? Multiple Independent variables?

I'm working on a research project without much of a stats background so I need some help with figuring out which stats test to use currently. I think I have multiple dependent variables to look at, ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Statistical analysis of amino acid profiles, quantitative vs qualitative methods?

I work on a study comparing the amino acid profile of 5 sample groups with 3 replicates in each group. This is how the data looks like except that there are 17 columns (one for each amino acid) in ...
Drosof's user avatar
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Are my PCA groups significantly different?

I am studying the feeding behaviour of deep sea fishes, and have produced a dataset containing percentages for 20 different fatty acids (totalling 100%) for 32 individual fish. I have performed PCA (...
Kristian_Copenhagen's user avatar
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How can I investigate correlations between tumor location and surface-receptor expression in R-studio?

I am not sure what statistical approach/model I should use for the following example - so I hope you can helt with some inputs. I have four different possible tumour locations in the head area - ...
cmirian's user avatar
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How can MANOVA report a significant difference when none of the univariate ANOVAs reaches significance?

I would just like to ask if it is normal for the values from my multivariate tests to be significant but for the values from my univariate tests of between-subjects effects table to be insignificant. ...
kea's user avatar
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Conditions on ratio of $\frac{\sigma_{BIB}^2}{\sigma_{RB}^2}$

I'm attempting to solve a question about the variances of random block design versus balanced incomplete block design. I feel I am close to having an answer, but I'm not quite there yet. Question: ...
statsguyz's user avatar
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How do I compare two groups by several dependent variables and get 1 p-value as a result?

Suppose I have two groups and several dependant variables. I would like to show statistically whether the two groups are different or not, based on the combination of these dependant variables. The ...
Scott's user avatar
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Two-way anova with interaction term: what is the point of a post-hoc test?

I have a statistics interpretation question. I've recently performed a two-way anova to identify an interaction term between my categorical independent variables (genotype + temperature) that ...
Alex's user avatar
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