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Why are variables in GLM being split into multiple output variables

I have input for glm that looks like BMI $grp PRS age gene 24.2 1 3.0 77 0.0 33.8 1 4.0 89 0.0 30.3 1 7.0 58 0.0 I’m inputting this into ...
con's user avatar
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How to analyse count data that include 0 as a category?

I'm testing the yield of corn subject to two treatments: Temperature (Cold and Warm) and Light Color (Red, Blue, Natural.) The number of plants per plot that produced no cobs, one cob, two cobs and ...
je2018's user avatar
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Do we need a reference dummy variable for non-mutually exclusive groups?

I am trying to build a GLMM and have converted a group of factors to dummy variables. Many have multiple groups and I would like to test the interactions between them as well. Do I need a reference ...
JVal's user avatar
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h2o glm tweedie for categorical variables?

To build a tweedie glm for categorical variables, the document suggested that I can use data['variable_name'].asfactor(). However, in the model output, there is ...
Jie Huang's user avatar
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regression models and dummy variables

I have a output variable and 1 categorical predictor and 3 continuous predictors. ...
user3022875's user avatar
6 votes
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Removing intercept from GLM for multiple factorial predictors only works for first factor in model

I am running a binomial logistic regression with a logit link function in R. My response is factorial [0/1] and I have two multilevel factorial predictors - let's call them $a$ and $b$ where $a$ has 4 ...
MiMi's user avatar
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16 votes
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Understanding dummy (manual or automated) variable creation in GLM

If a factor variable (e.g. gender with levels M and F) is used in the glm formula, dummy variable(s) are created, and can be found in the glm model summary along with their associated coefficients (e....
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