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Dummy Variable Trap & Interaction Term?

Suppose we create a dummy variable male (1=male, 0=female) and dummy variable female (1=female, 0=male). Does the dummy variable trap, also occur, if we include them into interaction terms: $Y_i = β_0 ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
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Interaction between quadratic term and dummy variable

Suppose I have a linear regression: $Y=\beta_1+\beta_2X+\beta_3X^2+\beta_4D$ where $D$ is a dummy variable that takes value 0 and 1. If I want to examine if the effect of $X$ on $Y$ for $D=0$ and $D=1$...
newt335's user avatar
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Can I use the interaction between a dummy variable and the variable it was derived from?

I am trying to make a multiple linear regression model. I have a hypothesis that $x$ is a significant predictor of $y$ but only when $x > 0.5$ ($x$ ranges from -2 to + 2). Is it acceptable to ...
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