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Can the Response Variable ever be used in Clustering?

I have the following question: Can the response variable ever be used in a clustering algorithm? I understand that in general, clustering is considered to be an "unsupervised learning algorithm&...
stats_noob's user avatar
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How to plot categories after clustering

I am trying to plot the categories I have obtained via DBSCAN on a 30-dimensional dataset 12 categories, and I want to visualize them in a 2d plot. My procedure was to reduce that 30-dimensional ...
astro_xyz's user avatar
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How to represent the probability of a point belonging to a cluster?

I want to do a scatter plot with a two-dimensional dataset. Suppose I have only 3 clusters. Then, I could assign each cluster a color of these: red, green and blue. If soft-assignment was made, then ...
Tendero's user avatar
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Visualizing clustering on 2D binary data [duplicate]

I have a 2D binary array (size 1445 by 120), which I have clustered into 10 clusters using Python's AgglomerativeClustering method. Each of the 1445 samples is given a cluster index of a number from 0-...
Cynthia's user avatar
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Is Plotting textual dataset in scatter plot after clustering the data reflect nature of data?

i have textual data points.. (1000+) text documents.. i used K-means to cluster these data, then used SVD method upon (TF-IDF matrix) then select the 2nd and 3d columns in VT matrix to represent these ...
azifallail's user avatar