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What are the right metrics to validate the performance of a custom clustering model with three possible outcomes?

I have developed a custom clustering model on top of MiniBatchKmeans, that has three possible outcomes for each data point: Assign the point to the correct cluster. Assign the point to the wrong ...
Sanjay Mythili's user avatar
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How to save a Higher accurate K-means Model on a unlabelled data based on Any Performance Evaluation Metrics?

I am experimenting on Iris dataset. I am not using the label. I want to save my model based on any Performance Metrics. According to Performance Metrics which model have higher score I am choosing ...
Amartya's user avatar
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How to compare clustering results between "raw" and normalized data

I have a dataset and I would like to apply a clustering algorithm to find some groups. I do not have any label, so it is just wondering if I can find relevant clusters. If it may help, it is ...
rusiano's user avatar
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Combine two k-means models for better results

I am clustering some pretty fuzzy data with a special k-means like algorithm (a change of algorithm is not an option). Due to random initialization of cluster centers and the fuzziness of the data the ...
simon's user avatar
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How to evaluate the perforamance of clustering model using python

I have implemented the k means clustering model using python , i would like to know whether my model is perfect or not , so that i want to know which performance metrics is used for clustering model ...
Nandu matam's user avatar
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What is the technique to measure the performance of the methods clustering?

Given m, p and t non-zero natural numbers: m is the number of clustering methods, p is the number of internal measures for cluster validation (i.e halkidi, sd, calinski_harabaz, davies_bouldin...), t ...
curiosus's user avatar
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Clustering without test set and evaluation

I have to classify some data without any futher prediction (I just need the best clusters on the data). Do I still have to train-test-split my data or do a kfoldCV? And how do I evaluate my ...
R_clustering's user avatar
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How to compare 2 clustering algorithm? [duplicate]

I have selected 'Nursery' data set from UCI machine learning repository and run 2 different clustering algorithm on, K Means and Hierarchical clustering. How should I compare these to algorithm to see ...
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Cluster kmeans comparison between two data sets [duplicate]

I have a situation when I try to see if my data set ("sample") is a good representation of a larger data set ("population") that I have. In Stata, I use the cluster ...
Olga's user avatar
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Mapping k-means cluster centers and origins (measuring k-means accuracy)

Say I generate a dataset $X$: the first $i$ samples follow $x_i\sim N(\mu_1,\Sigma_1^2)$, the next j samples follow $N(\mu_2,\Sigma_2^2)$ and the last $l$ samples from $N(\mu_3,\Sigma_3^2)$. Naturally,...
Spätzle's user avatar
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How to evaluate k-means considering initial conditions when having the ground truth?

I use kernel k-means algorithm with different kernels and want to see which one is the best. The way i do it is to fix the number of $K$ equal to number of classes (ground truth) and check the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Evaluation of clustering: single cluster solution vs. multiple clusters

There are a few indices out there that help compare competing clustering solutions (e.g., Calinski-Harabasz index and many others). Is there a popular index/procedure that helps compare a single ...
k-zar's user avatar
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Is K-means performance a bottleneck everywhere?

I've read a paper about a sped-up version of k-means: Ding et al. (2015). Yinyang K-Means: A Drop-In Replacement of the Classic K-Means with Consistent Speedup. Now I wonder, is k-means' ...
CrabMan's user avatar
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