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Clustering methods for regional temporal clusters

I have observations of individuals over time, where they either experience -1, +1 or mostly 0, like so. ...
SimonDude's user avatar
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Alternate distance metrics for two time series

I have time-series data of different houses. Assume it is power consumption data. Now, I want to cluster the houses following similar power consumption pattern utmost. So, the various distance metrics ...
Haroon Lone's user avatar
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Time Series Similarity : Differing Lengths with R

I am experimenting with creating a distance matrix between time series for clustering and similarity searching. The main reference I am using is for the Similarity procedure in SAS (Paper). I would ...
B_Miner's user avatar
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Can someone please explain dynamic time warping for determining time series similarity?

I am trying to grasp the dynamic time warping measure for comparing time series together. I have three time series datasets like this: ...
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