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Is there an analog to logit Y-aware PCA for correspondence analysis?

I came across this tutorial of logit Y-aware PCA for dichotomous $Y$s. Does anyone know if there is an analogous procedure for correspondence analysis? It seems that there couldn't be since the Y-...
RTrain3K's user avatar
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Statistical technique to assess nutrition

My goal is to find risk factors for a disease. I think that a malnutrition is a risk factor for this disease. I have 5 variables that indicate the frequencies of ...
user42987's user avatar
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MCA vs Multinomial Logistic Regression

Lets say I have made survey using a sample of a given number of people, containing a set of 25 questions that have 6 possible answers (Fully agree/ Partially Agree/ Neutral/ Partially Disagree/ Fully ...
user135206's user avatar