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Cox model with ridge term: how to choose value of theta?

The coxph() function in R package "survival" is used to fit the Cox proportional hazards model. This function allows a ridge() term in the formula to penalise selected terms, which requires ...
user167591's user avatar
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Why the results of Cox regression are different between coxph() and cph() in rms package

I found the predicted hazard (the h(t) of Cox regression) through Predict() and cph() in rms package was different from common coxph(). ...
tumidou's user avatar
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Is it possible to generate a scatterplot of relative hazard for participants superimposed on Cox regression line?

I have been using the rms package in R to perform Cox regression on time-to-event data. I have used the ...
Nicholas Black's user avatar
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Cox Proportional Hazards Model for panel data

I want to get the same results of implementing cox-box by R for this SAS code, ...
Rani's user avatar
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How to compare two models with and without restricted cubic spline by likelihood test? #mice #survival # rms

I’m new to using multiple imputations and I would like an opinion on using it with survival analysis in R. I would like to perform a multiple imputation on data with missing values (mice package) and ...
Yuki Sahashi's user avatar
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How to compare hazard ratios between two levels of a categorical variable in Contrast from RMS package

I am performing an interaction spline analysis for age (continuous) and Quartiles of ancestry (categorical). My outcome variable is a survival outcome (incident stroke). The focus is to compare Q4 to ...
Ransy's user avatar
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Presentation of a 3x3 categorical interaction for Cox proportional hazards regression using RMS package

I wanted to verify my presentation of a 3x3 interaction of two categorical variables var1 (exposure of interest) and var2 (effect modifier of interest) using the rms...
apos13's user avatar
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Assessing loss of different parsimony levels (Cox Model)

I have a Cox Proportional Hazard model with 6 covariates to determine OS. I am now trying to simplify this model by taking some of this covariates down. This is intended for a wide audience so I'm ...
N00b's user avatar
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'pspline ' or 'rms' in a Cox model?

I am quite new in the spline subject and I have a question! I am using a Cox model and I was afraid that some of the variables included in the model have a non-linear effect on survival. So I tested ...
Flora Grappelli's user avatar
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How to change baseline patient in Predict function in rms package in R?

I am doing a time dependent Cox model using cph function in rms package. I use Predict and plot.Predict to plot the hazard ratio on y axis and a continuous covariate (e.g. LDL cholesterol) on X axis ...
Reza's user avatar
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9 votes
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Computing c-index for an external validation of a Cox PH model with R

First off, I'll state that I'm aware many questions get asked about the c-index. I've searched this site and others, and I haven't found an answer for my situation. I can successfully use ...
JJM's user avatar
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Using multiple imputation for Cox proportional hazards, then validating with rms package?

I've been researching the mice package, and I haven't yet discovered a way to use the multiple imputations to make a Cox model, then validate that model with the rms package's ...
JJM's user avatar
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