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5 votes
2 answers

Why are linear and spline term estimates so different?

I am working on modelling in an epidemiological setting. I want to estimate the association between an exposure (air pollution) and two event outcomes. To achieve that, I am using a Cox PH model with ...
jmarkov's user avatar
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Interpretation of Interaction when the results in one of the two groups is not statistically significant

Here is the question. Suppose we have a drug A, and we have conducted a RCT evaluating the risk of death in patients randomised to receive ...
user89547235's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to interpret coefficients from regularized cox regression?

I have computed regularized coxph model with LASSO penalty, some of the covariates are thus omited. But I got some non-zero betas. Is it possible to interpret these values, in some similar way as ...
pikachu's user avatar
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Interpreting output of Cox regression model

I am trying to use two variables - activity score (ascore - a whole number indicating amount of activity) and gini (given by Gini-Simpson index - a value ranging between 0 and 1, indicating diversity ...
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