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Cox proportional hazard model has very small hazard ratio, s.error and no CI

I estimate a Cox proportional model in Stata to see what covariates are associated with time to death. One of the covariates measure cormobidities and has 12 categories. One of the categories ("...
Alexandra's user avatar
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Different hazard ratios in Cox model, depending on which dummy is omitted?

I'm using a Cox survival analysis model in Stata. My covariates include a series of mutually-exclusive dummies. As in other regression models, I leave one out as a reference. If I change the ...
ShannonC's user avatar
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What are easy steps of finding cutpoint in continuous variable with Time to event outcome, in Stata?

I find it painful to manually guess a dichotomized cutpoint predictor (continuous) for an time to event outcome in Simple Cox proportional hazard model. Currently I was trying to find the cutpoint ...
Wirach Chitsuthipakorn's user avatar