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Why does my model suggest Gall is not significant, when the plot suggests it is?

I have trouble with interpreting the output of a general linear model, which I have fitted to some data. Here are my data: ...
RLover's user avatar
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Interpreting predicted probability plots for a binomial GLM [closed]

Even though this may first appear coding-related, I am not interested in the particular code, but rather in the interpretation of the resulting plots. Therefore, I though this is more appropriate here ...
Tilen's user avatar
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What's a good way of graphically representing a very large number of paired datapoints?

In my field the usual way to plot paired data is as a series of thin sloping line segments, overlaying it with the median and CI of the median for the two groups: However, this sort of plot becomes ...
ali_m's user avatar
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How to visualize an interaction from a GLMM: use whole model to obtain predicted values or just factors in the interaction?

I need to plot an interaction between two continuous factors for interpretation. I am using the wireframe function in the lattice package and plotting the predicted values from the model with the best ...
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