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Crossing categorical features that are stored as integers

Newbie here. I'm experimenting with the following dataset: Data Set Information: The data consist of evaluations of teaching ...
Nanoboss's user avatar
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Right skewed distribution of a continuous variable with outliers: replace outliers with mode or median of that column?

When I replace my outliers with the median value of that column/feature, my mode for that column/feature also changes. Is that correct?
Sunaal Dua's user avatar
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Choosing the right type of plot for my pandas dataframe

I have been confused because I don't know which type of plot I must choose. I have a data frame with two columns suppose the first one is the id of a person and the second one the number of houses ...
Er1Hall's user avatar
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Intuitive visualization of data

I am implementing a recommendation engine tool used by several users who are supplying feedback in the form of thumbs up (+1) or thumbs down (-1) for each recommendation. The recommendation engine ...
PyRsquared's user avatar
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How to Distinguish 22 Variables in a Stacked Bar Graph?

I have a tabular dataset that contains 75 samples (rows) and measures of 22 different human cell types (columns), like the following: ...
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