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Calculate expected values E(x) & E(y) & variance of x & y of joint PDF, which was previously transformed from Polar to Cartesian

Given two independently uniform distributed random variables angle $\theta \in [0,2\pi]$ and radius $r \in [0,1]$. I obtain for the joint density function with polar coordinates: $$ f_{r,\theta}(r,\...
tcengel's user avatar
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Integrate out the binary indicator variable in a two-sample ANOVA

I have two sets of data, A and B, that have unequal sizes, and I want to compare their means. The standard approach would be to do a t-test. Getting a little more sophisticated, we can think of that t-...
Dave's user avatar
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Find conditional pdf given joint

Let the joint pdf of $X$ and $Y$ be $f(x,y) = 12e^{-4x-3y}, x>0, y>0$. What is the marginal cdf of $X$? of $Y$? Am I just supposed to integrate f(x,y) with respect to $x$ or $y$ to get the ...
Evan Kim's user avatar
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Solving a marginalization integral involving exponential distributions

I'm trying to solve a marginalization integral \begin{equation} \int p(y,w) dw \end{equation} in order to compute the density $p(y)$. I assumed the following model: \begin{equation} y = (u+w)^2 + v \...
user144410's user avatar