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Posterior distribution

Suppose $X1,..,X4$ be iid from pdf $f(x|\theta)=\frac{1}{\theta}$ ,for $0<x<\theta$. The prior distribution is $\pi(\theta)=\frac{2}{\theta^3}$ , for $\theta>1$ I have to obtain: a)...
user30438's user avatar
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Long tail of pareto vs. pearson IV distribution

I am told that wealth follows a Pareto distribution, and that IQ follows a Pearson IV distribution ( Both Pareto and Pearson IV distributions have long tails. ...
Didier's user avatar
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Estimate the nearest of N random points in a box in E^d?

I have N uniform-random points $p_j$ in a box in $E^d$, $a_i \le x_i \le b_i$, and want to estimate the expected distance of the point nearest the origin in $L_q$: $\quad$ nearest( points $p_j$, box $...
denis's user avatar
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Testing hypothesis about the location of the maximum point on a curve

I have data from an experiment on the relationship between PPI (the dependent variable, a measure of startle reflex attentuation by weak stimuli) and SOA (the main independent variable; it's the time ...
spp2112's user avatar
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Modelling the tail only

I'm trying to model a real-world random variable that behaves approximately as a Gaussian, so a Normal distribution fit is reasonable but far from perfect. However, I only care about its tail, that ...
Pedro Tabacof's user avatar
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What statistic to use to measure effectiveness of treatment on fluctuating process

I have a process $R$ that normally does something like a random walk between 0 and 1. I have a set of treatments. I believe that some of the treatments will bias the process $R$ in such a way that, ...
Mars's user avatar
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Fitting of bivariate data to a self-defined probability density function

I have a bivariate set of data points which I want to fit to a self-defined distribution (i.e. not standard normal or chi-square or like that, a different, let's say "new" density function). I would ...
Scrofungulus's user avatar
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What is the meaning of McFaddens Axiom: Irrelevance of Alternative Set Effect?

On page 110 of McFadden,1973 - Conditional logit analysis of Qualitative Choice Behavior, Frontiers in Economics, ed Zarembka, New York: Academic Press, pp. 105-142 the following three Axioms are ...
Druss2k's user avatar
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Good predictive models for a linear minimum bound?

Are there any good predictive models for a pattern like the left plot of the first figure? I'm trying to predict how long a file transfer takes (in seconds) according to its package size (in bytes). I'...
193381's user avatar
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Meaning of return period on extreme events

If the distribution of the periods between an extreme event to another is a power law (as for example can be the return period of extreme earthquakes or flooding), the existence of the mean value is ...
emanuele's user avatar
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Distribution of value closest to 0

Consider $K$ independent Laplace variables $X_i$ ($1 \leq i \leq K$) with mean 0 and scale $\lambda$. Let $X′$ be the variable taking the value of the Laplace variable whose absolute value is the ...
NeedHelp's user avatar
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Estimating costs with extreme values

I am trying to estimate health care costs and I was wondering what the standard practice is for extreme values? By extreme values I mean I have a large portion of my costs being zero and a small ...
RDizzl3's user avatar
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Distribution of variable

How to find the distribution of $$\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i - X_{1:n}),$$ where $X_i$ are i.i.d. random variables and $X_{1:n} = \min(X_1,X_2,...,X_n)$? I need to find the distribution in a particular case, ...
cyzyk's user avatar
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Mode of Joint Posterior - Maximization Problems

I have a problem whereby I get two different answers if I try to maximize a function. let $ \begin{bmatrix} Y_{o}\\ Y_{a} \end{bmatrix}|\phi\sim N (0,\phi^{-1}A^{-1}) $ $\pi(\phi)=\frac{1}{\phi}$, ...
Mael's user avatar
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How to write the set of indexes of Pareto optimal reward set in formal methods

I denote that a reward vector of an item $a$ as $r_a$. Say there is a set of items denoted as $A_t$. I want to get a set $A^\prime_t$ of items from $A_t$ that has non-dominated reward vectors. For a ...
user77005's user avatar
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Get level set from 3D dataset obtained exploring a 2D space parameter

I am exploring a 2 parameter space performing simulations. As a result I get a surface as a function of these 2 parameters. I know this is probably simple but I don't know how to look for it. Now I ...
myradio's user avatar
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The min draw from F(x), where the max is an order statistic of the max draws from different, yet overlapping distributions?

Consider $m$ independent draws from each of $n$ distributions. $X_{i,j}$ the $i_{th}$ draw from cdf $F_{j}(x)$. where $1 \leq i \leq m$ and $1 \leq j \leq n$. Therefore we have $m\cdot n$ total ...
OctaviaQ's user avatar
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Understanding the Pareto distribution as applied to wealth

The Pareto distribution can be used to give a pdf for the wealth of a person chosen randomly from a population. (In fact, this was its origin. See, for instance,
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fitting the tail of a distribution in a regression tree

I have 3 integer valued time series $a_t$, $b_t$ and $y_t$ with $k$ observations. I want to fit $y_t$ with the 2 first, and for that purpose I use a regression tree like this: test all combinations ...
David Bellot's user avatar
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Basics of extreme values / high-water marks?

With real-valued $X_1, X_2, \ldots$, define $Max_n := \max(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ record value or high-water mark $NextMax_n :=$ the next greater high water, $Max_{n+m} > Max_n$ $Up_n := NextMax_n - ...
denis's user avatar
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Non-Analytic extrapolation

I have some samples of a stable real-world process. Its is polymodal, and does not cleanly fit any of the "textbook" analytic distributions. I need to make very accurate estimates of the maximum ...
EngrStudent's user avatar
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How to test the significance of increase in sample interval range(s)?

Suppose we have two samples of a variable taken under different conditions: e.g. A1 without medical treatment and A2 after medical treatment. These are not necessarily normally distributed. Suppose A1 ...
Edward Correia's user avatar
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Accounting for minimum dependent measure in data when fitting a distribution

I have what is possible a naive question. I am current comparing various models (i.e. distributions). And the comparisons do not involve different distributions but rather how the model is fed the ...
user40335's user avatar
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Newton Raphson Algorithm: negative semi definiteness [duplicate]

I would like to minimise the function $l(\theta|Y)$. Given the Newton's method below $$\theta^{(t+1)} = \theta^{(t)} - \left[l''(\theta\;|\;Y)\right]^{-1} l'(\theta^{(t)}\; | Y)\quad t = 0,1,...$$ ...
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