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Characteristic function of transformed random variable

Consider a random variable $X$ and a function $g(\cdot)$. Let $Y:=g(X)$, and let $\phi_X(\cdot), \phi_Y(\cdot)$ be the characteristic function (cf) of $X,Y$, respectively. Suppose that $\phi_X$ is non-...
Mingzhou Liu's user avatar
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Name of PDF? - projecting uniform probability distribution on the unit circle to the x-axis

Consider a uniform probability distribution on a circle of radius r, i.e. $\{(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2 + y^2 = r^2 \}$.If we wish to project onto the x-axis, we can consider each point on the circle ...
SSD's user avatar
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Characteristic function and Fourier transform for a discrete random variable!

Let $\phi_{x}(t)= E [ e^{itx}]$ be the characteristic function If X is a continuous random variable, then: $\phi_{x}(t)= E [ e^{itx}] = \int e^{itx} f(x)dx$ (being $f(x)$ the probability density ...
Ilya_Curie's user avatar
6 votes
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Sampling from characteristic/moment generating function

Suppose I am given a probability distribution only via its characteristic or moment generating function and I want to sample from that distribution to generate paths in a Monte Carlo simulation. Is ...
lbf_1994's user avatar
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How to compute bernoulli distribution PDF from CF

The characteristic function for a Bernoulli distribution is $$\phi(t) = (q+pe^{it}) \text{ where } p+q=1$$ I also know that the relationship between $\phi(t)$ and the pdf $f(k)$ is the Fourier ...
Adam Sturge's user avatar
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Plot the density function of a normal random variable knowing only the characteristic function in R

The characteristic function of a normal random variable with mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$ is: $$\begin{alignat*}{1} \hat{\phi}(t) & =e^{i\mu t}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^{2}t^{2}}\\ &...
ChicagoCubs's user avatar
15 votes
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Characteristic function and Fourier transform

I understand the definition of characteristic functions used in probability theory: For a random Variable $X$ with probability density function $f_X$ the characteristic function is defined as: $$\...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Deconvolution with fourier transform or characteristic function?

Let us consider the following model: $$Y_j = X_j + \epsilon_j \hspace{15pt} j=1, ..., n$$ Where $Y_j$ is a noisy signal, $\epsilon_j$ is the noise which is independend from the signal $X_j$. We have ...
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