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Multilevel Modeling in Linear Mixed Models versus Generalized Linear Mixed Models

I am analyzing a data set that includes several discrete and continuous outcome variables (DV). For the continuous DVs I intend to use Linear Mixed Models (LMM) processed in SPSS. For the discrete ...
Mark S.'s user avatar
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How to fit a GLMM with multiple levels of nesting

I have some data I am struggling to process at the moment. I have landed on using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), but I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around it. I have a large ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Interpreting results from a glmm (lmer) with multilevel and interaction fixed variables

I am running my GLMMs on R to test whether the effect of breed on the acoustic parameters of meows is dependent on sex levels (sex*breed) and to test whether the ...
Alice 's user avatar
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Why do random effects require a minimum # of levels?

I have always heard random effects require a minimum number of levels to be correctly specified in a hierarchical (mixed-effects) model. I can admit to following this rule without question (mostly ...
Nate's user avatar
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GLMM mixed models. Binary data with only one positive outcome possible

I am studying letality in cardio-vascular events. My outcome is binary (death at 1 month) for each event. My patients can have multiple cardiovascular events but obvioulsy only one of them can lead to ...
Jason Shourick's user avatar
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Inference for overall population parameters with multilevel models

I have a dataset that it is clearly need a multilevel model approach -observations from different regions-. However, I am not interesting in population parameters of regions, but overall parameters ...
yer's user avatar
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What are marginal and conditional errors in a GLMM?

I'm modifying my ecology paper according to what the reviewers suggested but I have an issue with one statistical-related question. I ran a GLMM in lme4 on R to model the presence/absence of a certain ...
Ginevra B's user avatar
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Binomial GLMM (GLMER) with proportions in unbalanced, observational panel data: nesting issues and errors

Thanks in advance. I am new to mixed models and having several doubts about a mixed model (lme4's glmer, binomial) with multiple levels, measuring a proportion [0,1] in three time periods. My data ...
dcoy's user avatar
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Hierachical Random Mixed effect sizes

When using a mixed effect model the rule of thumb seems to be that you need at least 5 levels to use a random factor . Is this still True when you have a hieachical model. i.e A - 4 level factor B - ...
sam's user avatar
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When and why do I have to use "trait" for multinomial multilevel models with MCMCglmm in R?

I want to estimate a multilevel multinomial logit model but I am struggling with the terminology and notation used by the R-package MCMCglmm. There is documentation ...
non-numeric_argument's user avatar
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Assumptions of Linear Mixed Model

I had data with repeated measurement and nested design. Conventional ANOVA requires strict control on homogeneity of variance and repeated measurement ANOVA requires assumption of sphericity. Multi-...
Kam's user avatar
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Level-2 predictions with lme4/glmer model

Let's say I've fitted a 2 level model with glmer like this: ...
user2840286's user avatar
7 votes
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Temporal analysis of variation in random effects

I am looking at patient data where the main outcome of interest is mortality within 30 days following hospitalisation with an emergency condition. I am working on data from 2003-2017, with ...
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