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Is it appropriate to calculate odds ratios from random effects glmm output?

Is it appropriate to calculate odds ratios from random effects glmm output? about the data: grown (binary): whether flower grows over a certain height (TRUE/FALSE)...
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How to fit a GLMM with multiple levels of nesting

I have some data I am struggling to process at the moment. I have landed on using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), but I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around it. I have a large ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Calculating ICC for a beta-binomial GLMM

I understand that ICC in binomial GLMMs with a logit link can be calculated via R, where the residual deviance is (pi ^ 2) / 3. However, this is assuming that the ...
cirxi's user avatar
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GLMM model formulation with a partial "subcondition"

I am modeling reaction times in a GLMM using the lme4 package. My data have the following structure: Subject ID Reaction times (RT) Distractor type (Type): (3 levels): moving - static - no distractor ...
KrisBae's user avatar
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Binomial GLMM (GLMER) with proportions in unbalanced, observational panel data: nesting issues and errors

Thanks in advance. I am new to mixed models and having several doubts about a mixed model (lme4's glmer, binomial) with multiple levels, measuring a proportion [0,1] in three time periods. My data ...
dcoy's user avatar
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GLMM optimiser test - optimx.L-BFGS-B doesn't converge, but the rest do

I am running GLMM using lme4 in R for the first time. I have a complex model (with three main effects and four interactions), as well as a random intercept of ...
Amy's user avatar
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Basic multilevel modeling help in r with glmer

I am looking at school data, and wondering if school level disproportionate discipline affects the academic outcomes of students. The data I have are by student, with demographic information, an ...
dankernler's user avatar
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When and why do I have to use "trait" for multinomial multilevel models with MCMCglmm in R?

I want to estimate a multilevel multinomial logit model but I am struggling with the terminology and notation used by the R-package MCMCglmm. There is documentation ...
non-numeric_argument's user avatar
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Specifying a multilevel model in MCMCglmm (R), that is heteroskedastic at level one

I am considering MCMCglmm as an alternative to MLwiN. The former package works perfectly fine, but I cannot figure out how to model heteroskedasticity at level one. For instance, if I have the ...
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