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How do I evaluate a K-Means unsupervised anomaly detection approach?

how do I evaluate K-means clustering anomaly detection method as there is no labelled data of anomaly class. To find the cluster (K), I have used the silhouette score from Scikit learn library. Scikit ...
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How to evaluate unsupervised Anomaly Detection using k-means

I'm trying out different anomaly detection models and would love to hear opinion on my idea from somebody experienced. My goal is to perform anomaly detection with different models and to give each ...
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Anomaly detection on high dimensional Data using k means/SVM/LOF? [closed]

I am working on one Anomaly detection problem (unsupervise problem) Data set have 1) 15 columns and around 8k rows , including normal and abnormal(outlier ) rows, without label , all are numeric ...
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Threshold for kmeans anomaly detection

I'm learning the kmeans to find out anomaly from the dataset. but I don't know how to set threshold. I tried by the putting mean of the centroid to point distance but it's not working, half my record ...