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How to interpret result of kMeans scores if I have encoded the data with OneHotEncoder?

I am working on the AdventureWorks database and I have extracted some demographic data from the person scheme as follow. My aim ...
Nikolaev's user avatar
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Is variable contribution to the top principal components a valid method to asses variable importance in a k-means clustering? [duplicate]

If the answer is no, could someone give a simple counterexample? Thank you!
RR_28023's user avatar
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How to plot High Dimensional supervised K-means on a 2D plot chart

I'm Having a ML problem where my data set contains 80 features labelled into 3 groups (0, 1, -1). I want to plot the data on a 2D surface to see how "close" (similar) data with ...
Eran Moshe's user avatar
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How to use Gower's Distance with clustering algorithms in Python

I am trying to cluster by dataset with mixed features using k-means. As a distance metric, I am using Gower's Dissimilarity. I want to ask 2 things: -Is k-means an appropriate algorithm that can ...
Beg's user avatar
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Formatting input data to Scikit learn for Kmean and PCA

I am very confused about the data that feeds to Kmean and PCA algorithm using Scikit Learn command in Python. I searched a lot in the internet but no where I found the clear answer. I have $X$, a $m \...
user59419's user avatar
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Prediction after PCA and K-Means

I have a data set with a large amount of features. I'm applying PCA on it in order to run it through K-means, to discover clusters in my data set. I'd like to know what is the best practice to make ...
Chen Mor's user avatar
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Cluster centroids vs PCA as a preprocessing stage

What are the pros and cons of using K-means centroids (using cluster centroids as samples) vs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a preprocessing stage in machine learning? In what situation is ...
Aizzaac's user avatar
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A problem with implementing PCA-guided k-means

I am new to machine learning. I am reading the papers K-means Clustering via Principal Component Analysis and PCA-guided search for K-means. But there are too many mathematical proofs in these papers. ...
Fanny ZMN's user avatar