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Characterize interaction effect from binomial glm

I have made a binomial glm which describes how a complexity score (integer value 0-5) and an experimental treatment (factors A,B,C) affect a ratio of successes to failures (x, y) (both x and y are ...
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glmer problems in seeing all variables

I am trying to run a binomial glmm to understand the relationship between various concentrations of a compound sensed by different castes of ants. We have 5 different compound concentrations (a-e), ...
Allyssa Hinkle's user avatar
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Interpretation of binomial GLMM with interaction fitted with glmer

I have a glmer model from the R package lme4 with a binomial distribution and I was wondering whether I am interpreting the ...
a.henrietty's user avatar
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Could interaction effects prevent GLMM's (lme4) from converging?

In the following analysis, I am exploring the association between health outcomes and a range of environmental and socioeconomic predictors. These data have been collected from 9 countries, over ...
pienkowski's user avatar
4 votes
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Understanding binomial GLMM with three fixed factors

I am analyzing my data using a generalized linear mixed model in R. My design has three categorical variables: proficiency (three levels: Chinese vs English vs ...
qinli Deng's user avatar
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Correct sequence of model interpretation

My question is: what is the right sequence of analyzing? And is it the right way to ggplot errorbars from that model? 1) Setup model I expect possible interactions between treatment, race, age and ...
Peter Albertson's user avatar
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Binary interaction terms using lmer

I am trying to create a model using the lmer function. The model will contain the continuous response term "Average.profit" and explanatory terms "Type", "OtherType,...
Jonathan Bone's user avatar