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LMM for Repeated Measures tree ring chronology

Having my first go at R and stats. I sampled and analyzed tree rings for different measures (width, density, etc.). There are 3 treatments, 3 plot per treatment, and 5 trees per plot. The ring time ...
mink's user avatar
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Test for difference at each time point in panel data of long time series?

The easiest way to describe my question is perhaps with plots: In this hypothetical data, each group has 9 subjects, and each subject's response is measured from time = 1… to 5. Is there a way to ...
fate's user avatar
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Accounting for time with repeated-measures in lmer

I am trying to conduct a repeated-measures mixed-effects test with lmer and lmerTest, but I am not sure if I am doing it appropriately. I have 6 sites with 3 plots per site that have been sampled once ...
Matt's user avatar
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Repeated measures regression or time series analysis?

I have managed to confuse myself again, so I hope you could give me some tips or point into the right direction. I have pesticide residue data in different plant matrices (e.g. flowers, leaves) from ...
Fee's user avatar
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A correct mixed model for longitudinal data

This is a rather basic question and there are many similar questions here on CV. However, I could not find answers to my specific three questions below. My apologies, if I may have overseen something. ...
LuckyPal's user avatar
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linear mixed effect models: random intercept, no fixed intercept interpretation

I'm learning about linear mixed effect models and I'm having a hard time interpreting a repeated measures model that has a random intercept, but no fixed intercept. As an example: ...
r_user's user avatar
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glmer post hoc test at each time point

I have a question about post hoc tests for glmer. I haven't been able to find a solution on this site or in the documentation. My experiment looks at repeated measures of flower counts (Total) across ...
Abbey's user avatar
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R - lme4 - Help on repeat measures over time, continuous predictor interactions

I've created an exmaple data set below to hopefully help answer a question in regards to a lme4 in R and measurements over time. The data is 4 plots, measured over 4 years, with the dependent ...
W_O's user avatar
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Including time as a continuous predictor and as a categorical random effect in mixed model

I am analyzing plant densities (n° of plants/0,36m²) across 5 different treatments (repeated on two blocks) in time (year and season). Since my outcome is plant density and repeated measures were done,...
Guillaume A2's user avatar
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Repeated Measures Mixed Model or Time Series? (Ecologist needing help)

I've been reading and researching for a while now but finally decided to directly ask. My data consists of the following: Dependent variable: water-use measured daily over 1 year spanning three ...
WieselMB's user avatar
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Testing for differences between time series with many timepoints

I think the easiest way to describe my question is with plots. I've run an experiment where I recorded data from animals' brains (EEG) at 6 depths. The animals are recorded at baseline for 25 minutes,...
andrew.stanford's user avatar
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Mixed effects model for repeated measures to test for factors that are either constant or dynamic within an individual over time

I am dealing with a rather complicated dataset with repeated measures of the same individuals at various time points (samples were collected at different time points and different number of samples ...
iemnar's user avatar
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