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3 votes
1 answer

Model diagnosis in GLMM model of binary outcome variable

I am trying to do a research article on morbidity, which is categorical, i.e., yes or no. I also consider fixed and random effects, given that all of the fixed effect covariates are categorical. Here ...
Sofonias Derso's user avatar
2 votes
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Dispersion parameter in DHARMA

I have a question about the interpretation of residual diagnostics using DHARMa. I fitted a binomial mixed model and used DHARMa for model diagnostics. ...
max22's user avatar
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Zigzag residual plot

What is not right with a model that produces this kind of residual plot? Does it have to be discarded? My data is egg production (counts, but cumulative) over a period of 55 days for 7 treatments+...
kirchoffs's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Binomial GLMM with proportions and categorical predictors

Study background My research question looks at the effect of age group (AgeGr) on gazing. Each infant was observed for 1h and signals with gazing (...
Violet Gibson's user avatar
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How does lme4 calculate residual variance for an LMM?

How does the lmer() function calculate residual variance for an LMM? If I code a model and then try to manually calculate residuals, the variance of the manually ...
gecko's user avatar
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Generalised Linear Mixed Model Diagnostics using DHARMa

I am running a GLMM in R in lme4 package, the outcome variable is binary and the 10 fixed effects are a mix of categorical and continuous variables. The models have three random-effects. I am using ...
AhmadMkhatib's user avatar
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Residual pattern for mixed models (tried lmer and glmer)

I have studied the effect of site, specific area and depth on amount of organisms on kelp blades. Each site had two different depth with three frames on each depth. From each site I have analysed a ...
sma's user avatar
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Binomial GLMM residual pattern

I am trying to complete a binomial GLMM but I don't think that the residuals look right when I compare them to the years. Is this too much of a pattern in the residuals? My model looks like this: ...
Nicole's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Should random effects be included in fitted values when making a binned residual plot for a binomial GLMM?

The binned residual plot in the R arm package is often recommended as a way to check if a logistic model is making any systematic errors. The general idea is that the mean residual for a group of ...
Sacrebleurgh's user avatar
2 votes
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Residuals with glm / glmer don't have null mean

I am trying to fit accuracy data (taking values 0 or 1) using glmer and I am puzzled to observe that the residuals of the model don't have a null mean. Wasn't this the whole point of the optimization.....
Tom Bug's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Assessing the fit of GLMM implementation of a Rasch model to binary data using lme4

I'd like to assess the fit of the kinds of models described by de Boeck et al (2011) ( They are GLMM implementations of Rasch family models, e.g.: ...
Michael's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How to assess the fit of a binomial GLMM fitted with lme4 (> 1.0)?

I have a GLMM with a binomial distribution and a logit link function and I have the feeling that an important aspect of the data is not well represented in the model. To test this, I would like to ...
Henrik's user avatar
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