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Assumptions of a multilevel logistic model

Regarding to another question I'd like to ask the same way but for a quite more specific case. What are the general assumptions for a logistic multilevel regression? What are the reasons behind these ...
ghost_trevor's user avatar
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conditional three-level model and repeated measures using glmer in R

I have been trying to find out the most adequate formula for my data but I found no example that reflects the structure of my data, as pictured in figure above. My data is dichotomous [correct/...
Acer acer's user avatar
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Difference between multilevel logistic regression and a logistic regression with lower levels aggregated

I have a question about the differences between two forms of logistic regression. Let's say that I have data that is collected with some nesting. For concreteness, we'll say that I've got data across ...
triddle's user avatar
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Logistic regression with unbalanced sampling [duplicate]

Lets say I have a dataframe that looks like this: ...
Simon's user avatar
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Estimating Multilevel Logistic Regression Models

The following multilevel logistic model with one explanatory variable at level 1 (individual level) and one explanatory variable at level 2 (group level) : $$\text{logit}(p_{ij})=\pi_{0j}+\pi_{1j}x_{...
ABC's user avatar
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Can I do a t-test to compare t-statistics?

I was trying to fit a 2-level "hierarchical model" all in one go, in MATLAB. But then realised it might be better to do the lower level first, then the higher level. Simply, I have 80 subjects, from ...
Sanjay Manohar's user avatar