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2 answers

Mixed Model for Repeated Measurement (mmrm) - Assumptions

I want to fit a mixed model for repeated measures (mmrm) on a set of panel data with 6 visits and N = 1200. I want to estimate the effect of time passing on the outcome, without any intervention since ...
Lea's user avatar
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Modelling 3-level MLM of longitudinal data in R

I have two questions regarding modeling a 3-level multilevel model in R. I have a dataset of different variables that were assessed 4x as part of a longitudinal study. At each of the four assessments ...
Eve's user avatar
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Model Y~X using longitudinal data when X is measured less often than Y

I have the following data/setting: N persons assessed over time: different number of assessments; assessments at different time points Variable Y: measured ~50 times (3 times per day) Variable X: ...
MDSF's user avatar
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Simulate autocorrelated variable based on data in R

I am trying to simulate data for a longitudinal multilevel model. Let's say I want to simulate 4 observations of random variable X for N persons - how would I do that assuming autocorrelation of X to ...
Robn's user avatar
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Can we use macro variable (e.g.gdp_growth) in a panel data?

I am examining one country over a period of 10 years. I am interested to see whether GDP_growth had a heterogeneous effect on wages across people with different educational background. The code below ...
Jack's user avatar
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Multilevel model for change- time-varying variables at different waves to outcome

I am using UKHLS youth survey where an outcome for wellbeing occurs at waves 2,4,6 and 8. I have predictors such as computer screen usage and many others I would like to use occurring at waves 1,3,5,7....
gikcampbell1's user avatar
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Including AR(1) in growth model makes intercept constant (R nlme)

I have data of countries, years and some variables as shown below (not the comeplete dataset): ...
TYL's user avatar
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R longitudinal growth curve model/multilvel model with time-varying covariate structure (nlme)

I have data of countries, years and some variables as shown below: ...
TYL's user avatar
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Between- and within-person level effects when using multilevel modelling for longitudinal data in R

I’m using nlme package in R for analysing longitudinal data. The aim is to understand if changes in need satisfaction (TNS) and ...
AF1402's user avatar
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Binomial GLMM (GLMER) with proportions in unbalanced, observational panel data: nesting issues and errors

Thanks in advance. I am new to mixed models and having several doubts about a mixed model (lme4's glmer, binomial) with multiple levels, measuring a proportion [0,1] in three time periods. My data ...
dcoy's user avatar
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How to encode Times within Days in Multi-level Mixed Model in R?

I have the following experiment: I tested 16 subjects on 4 different days with a (repeated) measurement every 20 minutes for a total of approximately 15 measurements/day. I have about 4 time varying-...
Vincent Nadon's user avatar
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Unbalanced Longitudinal Multilevel Model Power Analysis

I am trying to conduct a power analysis on a multilevel longitudinal model (pre-existing household panel dataset) and am having trouble figuring out how to do it (or if it is even needed in the first ...
aspark2020's user avatar
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plm vs lmer - differences in outputs?

I am looking to run a random-effects model to look at attainment of pupils who are nested within schools. The model specification includes pupil-level characteristics, school-level characteristics and ...
Mark Francis's user avatar
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Number of random effects is not correct in lmer model

I am getting this error. ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Multilevel analysis: panel data and multiple levels

Suppose we have a historical (panel/longitudinal) dataset on the number of buildings in each sub-region (this is a made-up dataset to explain the concept): The variable “Year” ranges from 1 to 10 and ...
M_M's user avatar
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Clustering on three levels: time, group, individual –- how to correctly specify the model in R?

I would like to run a lagged random effects regression. The data is from an experiment in which participants were assigned to groups of five and participated in an interactive game for 20 rounds. ...
grueb's user avatar
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Correct specification of longitudinal model in lme4

I am trying to fit a multilevel longitudinal model and i have a question regarding how to specify it. The data consist of about 8k observations collected from about 3k individuals at four time points. ...
George Michaelides's user avatar
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Multiple imputation for clustered data

I have a few questions regarding multiple imputation for nested data. Context: I have repeated measures (4 times) from a survey and these are clustered in workplaces (205 workplaces). There are about ...
George Michaelides's user avatar
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Multi-stage selection model with panel data in R

My data consists of individual level observations nested within countries over time. I would like to use multilevel models along with some sort of selection model. I have three related questions. ...
Robert's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to test random effects in a multilevel model in R

I have been reading a good book called Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence by Judith Singer and John Willet. The book shows that by modeling in 2 levels, we can ...
biostat_newbie's user avatar