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What materials are a starting point for developing deep learning architectures?

So some background on my existing knowledge. I have my masters in statistics where I spent a good amount of time understanding how machine learning algorithms work, but I was always allowed to use ...
Travasaurus's user avatar
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What is the difference between a deep learning library that is built for research and for production?

I always see things like "a library for research but not so much for production" What does that mean? What should i choose? Can i built a an advanced model (ex: to compete in image-net) using anyone ...
floyd's user avatar
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Deep Learning: Wild differences after model is retrained on the same data, what to do?

I am using keras to train a 5 layer regression model to predict 1000 different thermometers. I train a model and then ask it to predict what the reading will be ...
user1367204's user avatar
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LSTM Weight Matrix Interpretation

Consider the following code in Keras for building a LSTM model. ...
Sandipan Bhattacharyya's user avatar
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Neural Nets: One-hot variable overwhelming continuous?

I have raw data that has about 20 columns (20 features). Ten of them are continuous data and 10 of them are categorical. Some of the categorical data can have like 50 different values (U.S. States). ...
user1367204's user avatar
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Deep learning : How do I know which variables are important?

In terms of neural network lingo (y = Weight * x + bias) how would I know which variables are more important than others? I have a neural network with 10 inputs, 1 hidden layer with 20 nodes, and 1 ...
user1367204's user avatar
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Keras : Should I care about the LAST epoch val_acc or only the HIGHEST epoch val_acc?

I am running a grid search for a binary classifier. Each model will receive a list of parameters and then that model will be run 20 times (20 epochs.) Many times the first epoch will have a high ...
user1367204's user avatar
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Keras: why does loss decrease while val_loss increase?

I setup a grid search for a bunch of params. I am trying to find the best parameters for a Keras neural net that does binary classification. The output is either a 1 or a 0. There are about 200 ...
user1367204's user avatar
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Keras: acc and val_acc are constant over 300 epochs, is this normal?

I am trying to understand a relationship between some x-cols and a y-col. There are about 25 features, some of which are categorical type. After a one-hot transformation on the categorical x-cols, the ...
user1367204's user avatar
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4 votes
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Keras Numpy Error: Why does accuracy go to zero?

I am trying to follow this tutorial. Everything works when I copy and paste the data, but when I try to replace the dataset with a random numpy matrix, my accuracy goes to zero. It shouldn't go to ...
user1367204's user avatar
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Neural networks, general inquiry - how mini-batching fits into the big picture?

I am graduate student in math, it is my first look at the Deep learning. One of the things that strike me when looking at this material is what seems to be a confusion between implementation details ...
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