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Classical VAE not learning 2D gaussian mixture distribution using MSE loss

I've been exploring VAE for non-image data. I consider small to medium-sized continuous vector spaces and I want to learn the distribution of a dataset in that space. As a warm up exercise, I tried ...
Wilmerton's user avatar
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Keras--variational auto-encoder in R studio, which part is defined as Encoder?

This is the example given on VAE, the circle part is something I do not understand. It defined the encoder part as from (X to Z_mean), but my understanding is from(x to Z). Or it just simply does not ...
flashing sweep's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Loss function autoencoder vs variational-autoencoder or MSE-loss vs binary-cross-entropy-loss

When having real valued entries (e.g. floats between 0 and 1 as normalized representation for greyscale values from 0 to 256) in our label vector, I always thought that we use MSE(R2-loss) if we want ...
SolingerStuebchen's user avatar
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How to weight KLD loss vs reconstruction loss in variational auto-encoder?

in nearly all code examples I've seen of a VAE, the loss functions are defined as follows (this is tensorflow code, but I've seen similar for theano, torch etc. It's also for a convnet, but that's ...
memo's user avatar
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Reparameterization trick for other non-normal distributions? (Example tensorflow code?) [closed]

Can anyone point me toward tensorflow code for the reparameterization trick for non-normal distributions? (uniform, beta, poisson, negative-binomial, etc?) Both for the sampling stage and the KL loss ...
locallyoptimal's user avatar