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Best approach for energy demand forecasting

I am trying to predict the amount of energy demand(Wh) of the next two weeks per hour. The dataset I have, contains each hour of each day since 2019 of the energy demand, is something like this: ...
ivan's user avatar
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Can a 4D perceptron be plotted in 2 dimensions?

I am wondering if it is at all possible to plot a 4D perceptron line in 2D. Obviously, it would be impossible to observe it with all of its original information, but is there a way for me to observe ...
Max's user avatar
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Why my perceptron doesn't train well and produces bad results on test data?

I am a newbie in Machine learning and I am writing a small code for Perceptron. This is the first time I am writing code in Python. I have four training data points (X). As they are used for ...
Ammar Ul Hassan's user avatar
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Output node of Perceptron neural network 'learning' unexpected function

I'm building some simple Perceptron networks to gain insight into how they operate. Most of the results are compelling, but there is one that I cannot figure out. Here is my simple Perceptron class ...
Mark Cramer's user avatar
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Clarification on simple perceptron neural network

I understand the title (and the question itself) is a little generic, but I have some questions that I doubt I can find from google search or studying the topic (yes, I've tried for a while). ...
Maldus's user avatar
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Using Adaptive Linear Neurons (Adalines) and Perceptrons for 0-1 class problems

I am wondering how to adjust the Adaline algorithm to classify the classes 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1. I found a section in Neural Networks and Statistical Learning by Ke-Lin Du, M. N. S. Swamy ...
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15 votes
3 answers

Decision boundary plot for a perceptron

I am trying to plot the decision boundary of a perceptron algorithm and I am really confused about a few things. My input instances are in the form $[(x_{1},x_{2}), y]$, basically a 2D input instance (...
user2502020's user avatar