I'm attempting to fit a Cox proportional hazards model to a set of NHANES data; the code to load and clean the data is here, and the resulting dataset is here.
The difficulty I'm having is illustrated by the following code:
df = df[complete.cases(df),]
## ----------
## W/o sampling weights
df.working = df %>% filter(!smoker, age.months >= 50*12, age.months < 85*12)
coxfit.unweighted = coxph(Surv(age.months, mort.status == 'deceased') ~
bmi.cat * bmi.max.cat,
data = df.working)
## ----------
## W/ sampling weights
## cf the svydesign call in the docs for survey::nhanes
design = svydesign(id = ~ psu, strata = ~ stratum, weights = ~ sample.weight,
nest = TRUE,
data = {df %>% filter(!smoker, age.months >= 50*12, age.months < 85*12)})
coxfit.weighted = svycoxph(Surv(age.months, mort.status == 'deceased') ~
bmi.cat * bmi.max.cat,
design = design)
The variable bmi.cat
is a factor variable for body mass index categories (underweight, normal weight, overweight, etc.). The variable bmi.max.cat
is a factor variable for the same categories for the respondent's maximum recalled weight. Since bmi.cat
is necessarily less than or equal to bmi.max.cat
, there are lots of empty cells in the crosstab of these two variables.
The chunk of code fitting coxfit.unweighted
using survival::coxph
raises a warning about singularities (because of all the empty cells), but does fit a model. It's unweighted, and so I need to use survey::svycoxph
to get unbiased estimates. But the call fitting coxfit.weighted
Error in solve.default(g$var, coef(g)) :
Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[9,9] = 0
Background: I'm working towards replicating the analysis in this paper, table 3. I've omitted the other covariates from the MWE for the sake of simplicity. I have no previous experience with either survival analysis or analyzing data from complex surveys like NHANES, so radical course corrections to my analysis approach would be fine.