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Question about Normality of 5-point Likert scale

Hello researchers and practitioners.

I really have a hard time trying to normalize my data. Introducingly, my study is about green IT product acceptance. There are eight factors, six are 5-point Likert scale (Str.disagree - Str.agree), one is 2-point Yes/No question, and the other one is 3-point scale (Don't know/Maybe/Know). I have 618 returned questionnaires.

I add data into SPSS, compute variables, and round'em up. I explore skewness and kurtosis of all factors and!!! found that they're not normal distributed. I tried a Two Step Transformation to Normality and Box-Cox, but the KS and SW Sig. are still .000. However, Q-Q plot change from loosely distributes to perfectly follows the slope.

My questions are:

  1. Is it a crucial problem if my data isn't normal distributed?
  2. Some said Likert scales is not normal in it's nature, is that true?
  3. Do you know any literature to cite and explain why Likert scale isn't normal distribute?
  4. Do I need to normalize all factors before do Structural Equation Model?

Thank you in advance. :D