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hypothesis testing to remove predictor

If we're working with a linear mixed model (fixed + random effects, normality assumptions) and are interesting in testing whether or not we can remove a fixed effect from the model, since standard asymptotic theory is complicated, my text suggests using a parametric bootstrap for approximating the distribution of likelihood ratio stats under the null rather than a traditional F-test.

However, I'm uncertain about the null hypothesis in this case. Is the null:

  1. the larger model with the fixed effect under consideration (and the alternative is the smaller model with the particular fixed effect removed)? This captures the spirit of testing whether we can remove this effect, but the models are not nested in the standard order.
  2. the smaller model without the fixed effect under consideration (and the alternative is the null of #1 above)

When I run a parametric bootstrap under the nulls as in the above two cases, I get different p-values in the two methods (I'm comparing log likelihood differences of my data to the simulated using $2\times [l(x|H_1) - l(x|H_0)]$ for each bootstrap simulation from $H_0,H_1$). What's the interpretation of both of these approaches, and does one better capture the goal of testing whether we can remove a fixed effect?

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