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Machine learning algorithms build a model of the training data. The term "machine learning" is vaguely defined; it includes what is also called statistical learning, reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, etc. ALWAYS ADD A MORE SPECIFIC TAG.

3 votes
2 answers

Adding Noise to continuous and categorical features?

Assume we have a dataset of 10 features, (combination of continuous and categorical features). I wish to add noise to each features separately. Can I use the mean and SD of that particular feature to …
1 vote

Conceptual questions about standardization/preprocessing

Should I standardize the integer column? It doesn't matter whether it is integer or float, until and unless the feature is continuous, you can use standardization/normalization. While using algorithms …
Suriya Kumar J S's user avatar
1 vote

Random initialization of weights

You can use one of the weight initialization strategies to initialize your weights and store the weights of the best performing network and reuse them time and again to get better results.
Suriya Kumar J S's user avatar